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Percentage Change Calculator

Example: What is the percentage change from 10 to 20?
Anwser: ((20 - 10) ÷ 10) × 100 = 100%
What is the percentage change from
to ?
Answer: %

The Percentage Change Calculator online tool enables you to calculate the percentage change between two values like the increase (or decrease) of the price of a product.

How to Calculate Percentage Change

You can use the percent change formula to find percentage change of two numbers:

Percentage Change
New Number - Original Number / Original Number
× 100

Example: What is the percentage change of 150 to 180 ?

180 - 150 / 150
× 100

Anwser: 20%

To know how to find percentage increase between two numbers? Please use our percentage increase calculator (or percentage change calculator).


More references for Percentage Change Calculation